The task for this project was to create a series of advocacy posters from a topic of my choosing. In this case I chose to center my posters around the topic of plastic bags. So my goal here with this project was essentially to create posters that visually and effectively communicated the message of the harm that plastic bags can cause to the world and the environment. And while the infographic at the end was made in illustrator, the posters were all mostly made in photoshop. The end result was both a set of overall cohesive posters and infographic that effectively and clearly tell you what they are about and grab the viewer’s attention while doing so.
In addition, I had to resize or redesign slightly my posters in order to adjust them for social media.
Facebook Shared Image Size
Instagram Story Size
Twitter Instream Image Size

I also created an infographic that provided a timeline of the history of plastic bags to go along with them as well.
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